Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yosemite ~ a slice of Heaven on Earth ~ Day 1

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The magic of light and shadow manifests itself magnificently in the Yosemite Valley.  It had been many years since I had visited Yosemite National Park and when my brother Dave suggested we venture that way the day after Thanksgiving, 2010, I jumped at the idea.  Armed with cameras and lenses, I fully intended to document this place, so rich in natural beauty that surely it has be a slice of heaven on earth.

We entered the Park at the Big Oak Flat Entrance.  While the sky was a clouded blue, several snow falls in the preceeding week had left an accumulation of snow still clinging to the shaded tree branches and marking a clear boundary of the snowplows efforts on the roads.

Our first stop high on the pass overlooking the Yosemite Valley was a feast for the eyes.  The breathless beauty of the snow covered landscape was just a lure to the majestic view of the Cathedral Rocks, with El Capitan to the left and Half Dome further up the valley, both caught in an afternoon glow of light.

Dave, Mom and Kathy

Thanks to the conservation efforts of John Muir, much of the Yosemite Valley appears the same as it did some 100 years ago. 

On the east side of the tunnel just past the summit, we stopped to view the Merced River snaking its way across the snow covered valley floor far below.

Once we arrived in the Yosemite Valley and crossed the first stone bridge, we were greeted with the sight of untouched snow leading to the banks of the Merced River.  We stopped long enough for Dave and I to get out,  take a few pictures and leave our footprints behind.

Bridal Veil Falls and El Capitan were our next stop as we worked our way east catching a quick view of the steep walls of part of the Cathedral Rocks visible through the trees.

We viewed Bridal Veil Falls, caught in the long shadows of the afternoon sun, from a distance across the snow covered meadow.   The second photo is a zoom in with the telephoto lens.

And true to the magic of the valley light, El Capitan was sitting across the way with its face all aglow.  The second image is a stitched, 3 shot panorama.

Our next stop traveling east once again was a view of Upper Yosemite Falls.  A forgotten snowman welcomed us to the meadow for a better view of the falls.  As we crossed the foot bridge over the Merced River we were immediately mesmerized by the beautiful view being reflected in the afternoon sunlight and still waters of the river.

Me, Dave and Mom with Upper Yosemite Falls in the background

Dave and Kathy ~  Upper Yosemite Falls

Looking further east through the valley opening, Half Dome could be seen in the far right towering above the snowy valley walls.

Dave with Half Dome in the background

Half Dome

As we turned to walk back to the car, a magical show was beginning to unfold.  The sun was angling low in the sky and casting a glorious beam of light between the Cathedral Rocks to the left and El Capitan to the right. 

The light continued to illuminate the trees and the snow covered meadow, quickly moving its way across as a late afternoon mist was starting to build low to the ground.

In an effort to warm up, we decided to make our way to the Ahwahnee Hotel before heading out to our night's accomodations in El Portal.  Mist was continuing to build across the snowy meadows in the valley.

The Ahwahnee exhibits the grandeur of its architecture which was brought to life in the early 1920s.  Huge, double faced fireplaces offer a comfortable place to rest while warming the body.  Large windows offer an outside view of the snowy meadows surrounding the hotel as well as several of Yosemite's iconic attractions.

 We settled into one of the seating areas to relax after warming up, with a view through the trees of Half Dome.  Through the changing light I suddenly looked up and saw the marvel of the sun casting the last of its evening hue on Half Dome.  The illumination was most amazing and served as a perfect end to a perfect day having experienced, indeed, a slice of heaven on earth!

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Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem like a year since our trip, but I guess it is. WOW, what a great way to start the day. Your photos are just breathtaking.Dave & I were on the same trip, but ours don't look that good. Thanks for making my day. Kathy

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos! Barb this made me feel like I was there with you all .

Anonymous said...

WOW! Stunning, thank you for sharing.

Anne Casula said...

Brilliant photos Barbara !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved looking at these again Barb!! You are truly amazing!
Linda B.