Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beyond Layers II

Inspirational thoughts and projects hosted by Kim Klassen

Days 5 and 6 ~ Week 3

Time Capsule and Story Board

The idea was to document a day.  Create a time capsule in images.  Kim provided a video by Tracy Clark in which she documented the morning rituals of preparation for work and school.  She then chose a series of 6 photos from the morning activity to create a 'time capsule'.  

Kim asked that we create our own 'time capsule' of activity in Day 5.  For Day 6 she asked that we put together a story board of whatever subject we
wanted.  She provided us with a number of templates with instructions on how to use them.

My creative juices immediately began to flow and I knew I would be blending the time capsule and story board together in the following story board entitled 'saturday's garden'.

 My next venture into the story board was the California Almond Blossoms
seen below.

As with the previous lesson, this is definitely something I would like to go back to visit again.  The idea of being able to combine photos to tell a story really spoke to the spirit of my photography.  I have so many stories to tell with a flush of archived pictures just waiting for their chance to shine!

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